Join us
Introduction to the Yasuda Lab. (Close-up! Kyushu U)
Laboratories in Faculty of Engineering: Functional Organic Chemistry
We are looking for motivated students who are willing to study with us. We are able to accept foreign graduate students for international master’s and doctoral programs in Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering. Our research group includes international students and postdoctoral researchers from various countries such as Korea, China, India, and Germany. If you are interested in joining our group, please feel free to contact us. With high aspirations, let’s explore the new world of Organic Materials Science together!
Graduate Admissions Information
Postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to apply for the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard Program). There are two opportunities to apply every year, in early April and August. Five research projects (five fellows) have been selected for this program so far. You can conduct extensive research activities in the excellent research environment of Kyushu University Institute for Advanced Study. If you intend to apply, please contact us in advance.
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships: Application Guideline
Prof. Takuma YASUDA
E-mail: yasuda[at]