Prof. Yasuda and Dr. Arai won The 56th Ichimura Prize in Science against Global Warming for Excellent Achievement.

This Prize is presented by the Ichimura Foundation for New Technology and recognizes researchers in Japan who have made distinguished achievements in the field of science and technology related to global warming countermeasures. The title of their award is “Developent and Practical Application of Flexible Organic Energy-Harvesting Devices“.

Ichimura Foundation for New Technology

Kyushu University “Notices”


九州大学高等研究院 安田研究室

〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744 稲盛財団記念館3F

Yasuda Lab.

Institute for Advanced Study, Kyushu University

Inamori Center, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan

Copyright © Yasuda Lab